On Wednesday, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) awarded $50 million in emergency health care grants to nearly 350 provider organizations across the state to help in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

MDH received more than 1,600 grant requests for the available $50 million, requesting a total of more than $300 million. Providers most commonly applied for funding to cover staffing costs, equipment and supplies, including personal protective equipment. Local grant recipients include:

Avera Granite Falls, $75,000
Avera Worthington and Windom, $92,760
Avera Marshall, $150,000
CentraCare, CentraCare Health System, $1,000,000
City of Winthrop, ambulance service, $4,000
Cottonwood Ambulance Service, City of Cottonwood, $15,000
Lower Sioux, Lower Sioux Indian Community, $213,986
Madelia Community Hosp. and Clinic, $75,000
Meeker Memorial Hosp. and Clinic, Meeker County, $75,000
Murray County Medical Center, Murray County, $75,000
Renville County Hospital and Clinics, Renville County $100,000
Olivia Ambulance Service, Inc., $4,000
Sleepy Eye Medical Center, $75,000
Sleepy Eye Ambulance Service, $1,750
Tracy Ambulance Service, $2,300
Upper Sioux Community, $213,986
Wabasso Ambulance Association, $12,000
Windom Area Health, Windom Area Hosp., $75,000