Outgoing Senate Ag Committee Chair Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow applauded the House of Representatives passage of the U.S. Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020. 

The legislation is ready to be signed into law. 

The U.S. Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020 passed out of the Senate Ag Committee in June and the full Senate in November. 

“I’m pleased the 2020 Grain Standards Reauthorization Act has quickly moved through both chambers of Congress to deliver certainty and predictability to the federal grain inspection system,” says Roberts. 

“I’m hopeful President Trump swiftly signs this legislation into law to ensure America can uphold its reputation as a dependable exporter of quality grain.” 

Stabenow also says the legislation provides much-needed stability. 

“Now, more than ever, we must provide certainty for farmers,” she says. 

“We are one step closer to enacting this bipartisan legislation and protecting our credibility as a reliable producer of high-quality crops.” 

The Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020 has broad agricultural industry support from both national and state agriculture groups. 

Outgoing House Ag Chair Collin Peterson says, “American grain farmers participate in a competitive world, and foreign grain buyers should be confident in our inspection process.”

(Story Courtesy of the NAFB News Service)