Redwood County Board Summary for December 3 meeting
The following is a summary of the County Board meeting held December 3, 2019:
- Approved the revised agenda; November 26th minutes; bills.
- Approved the Agreement with Mathiowetz Construction for the Cottonwood River Dam Projects.
- Discussed setting a standard reduction in benefits on permanent easements after redetermination of benefits. No action taken.
- Approved CUP #15-19 for Christensen Farms for an animal confinement feedlot.
- Tabled the Purchase Agreement with Robert LaSage to the January 7, 2020 board meeting.
- Kerkhoff presented a yearly CVS program update.
- Tabled the Service and Management Control Agreements with MN IT Services to the 12-17-19 board meeting.
- Directed Parsons to put a hold on the fiber project in the Government Services Building.
- Approved the United Community Action Partnership Agreement, not to exceed $8,500.00.
- Tabled the Nurse Family Partnership JPA to the 12-17-19 board meeting.
- Approved the Dahl Farms Lease Agreement.
- Approved the Kerkhoff Listing Contract for the sale of the former Highway Shop.
- Approved the Agreement for Professional and Technical Services with Steve Gramstad and Amber Tisue for drug testing services.
- Approved to hire Brenda Batzlaff as a Property Appraiser effective 12-4-19 on the 2019 Union Scale, Grade 11, Step 1 at $20.17/hour.
- Entered into Closed Session for a real estate consideration. No action taken.
- Reconvened into regular session.
- Approved to follow the Association of Minnesota’s recommendation to delay payment to the Department of Human Services for cost share that was improperly calculated from 2014-2018 until after the 2020 Minnesota Legislative Session if this issue is not resolved by other means.
- Adjourned at 10:50 a.m.