1. Call to Order  
  2. Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


  1. Roll Call  
  2. Pledge of Allegiance 
  3. New Employees 
  4. Service Awards 
  5. Agenda Additions and/or corrections  
  6. Recess for County Board Photos  
  7. Human Services  
  8. Painted Horse Ranch, LLC Contract 
  9. Case Activity Report-Social Services 
  10. Case Activity Report – Social Services 
  11. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures (Qtr.4) 
  12. Information Items 
  13. Public Hearing Re: Ordinance Adoption 9:30 am or later  
  14. Local Housing Trust Fund Ordinance 
  15. Public Health  
  16. Approve out of state travel for Sam Best, PHEP Coordinator, to attend 2023  NACCHO Preparedness Summi 
  17. Emergency Management 
  18. Region 5 2022 SHSP Grant 
  19. Emergency Management Update 
  20. Sheriff’s Office  
  21. Jail Medical Provider Contract 
  22. Human Resources  
  23. Employee Service Awards 
  24. Human Resource Actions 
  25. Addition of Bilingual Pay Compensation to Personnel Policy 10. Administration  
  26. County Auditor-Treasurer Appointment 
  27. Approval of Claims 
  28. Reports  
  29. Adjournment