1. Call to Order  

Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


  1. Roll Call  
  2. Pledge of Allegiance 
  3. New Employee Introductions 
  4. Agenda Additions and/or corrections  
  5. Minutes Approval  
  6. Board of Commissioners – Regular Meeting – Jan 23, 2024 8:30 AM 4. Human Services  
  7. Case Activity Report-Child Support 
  8. Information Items 
  9. HRA/EDA  
  10. Approve 2024 Out-of-State Travel for Jordan Zeller 
  11. Facilities  
  12. PO#7386 Northland Lumber & Supply 
  13. PO7387 Selbrade Const 
  14. PO7388 Schultz Electric 
  15. Parks  
  16. Purchase Order 7385: Lake Allie Park Cabin Materials
  17. Construction Management Services 
  18. Public Works  
  19. Final Acceptance SAP 065-070-012 & CP 2023-01 Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC B. Purchase Order 7390 (Metal Culverts, Inc.) 
  20. Approve Sale of Surplus Public Works Equipment 
  21. Award CP-2024-02 for Pavement Markings to Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC E. Award CP 2024-01 for Chip Seal Coating to Morris Sealcoat & Trucking, Inc. 
  22. Appoint County Surveyor 
  23. Human Resources  
  24. Education Reimbursement Agreement – Kaitlyn F. 
  25. Human Resource Actions 
  26. Finance  
  27. ARPA Funds Update 
  28. Approval of changes to FM Bank Account Signatories 
  29. Administration  
  30. Consider Comments RE: Xcel Energy’s Proposed Transmission Line 
  31. Approval of Claims 
  32. Recess for Drainage Authority Special Meeting at 11 AM  
  33. Reports  
  34. Adjournment