1. Call to Order  

Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


 Roll Call  

8:30 AM 2. Public Health (Sara Benson)  

  1. Renville Co PH to apply as a PH Corps Site & host PH Project Coordinator 
  2. Purchase Order 7333 – Champ Software Invoice 

8:50 AM 3. Facilities (Dave Altmann)  

  1. PO7332 Schwieters Chevrolet 

9:00 AM 4. Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative  

  1. SMBSC Annual Report 

9:30 AM 5. Public Works (Jeff Marlowe)  

  1. Update: Road & Bridge 
  2. 2024-2028 Road Construction Plan 
  3. Cooperative Agreement with Kandiyohi County for SP 034-644-007 & SP 065- 614-005 
  4. Agreement 2023-5 with TC & W Railroad Company to Replace the Rail Road  Crossing on CR 69 
  5. Agreement 2023-4 with TC & W Railroad Company to Replace the Rail Road  Crossing on CSAH 22 

10:00 AM 6. Finance (Landon Padrnos)  

  1. Q2 2023 Budget to actual
  2. Q2 2023 Cash Balances 

10:15 AM 7. Human Resources (Lisa Neutgens)  

  1. Administration  
  2. Buffer Ordinance Review 
  3. Recycling Partnership Grant Letter of Support 
  4. Review Commissioner Claims 
  5. Employee Reimbursements 
  6. Reports