The National Pork Board is launching the first-ever Pork Industry Innovation Challenge to encourage individuals and companies to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing the U.S. pork industry. 

NPB is accepting submissions for the inaugural Challenge through July 31. The focus of the challenge is pig mortality disposal. 

Producers and innovators are challenged to think of new methods of carcass disposal beyond the existing methods of burial, incineration, composting and landfills. 

These methods could be used on farms if there were a foreign animal disease outbreak, such as African swine fever. 

The challenge is open to all U.S. companies, students and residents, including producers. 

NPB encourages folks to submit an overview of how their idea works in about 500 words or less by July 31 for a chance to win up to $46,000. 

Multiple awards will be granted if more than one project is successful. Find more details and learn how to submit your application online at

(Story Courtesy of the NAFB News Service)