Work resumes Aug. 23 on Hwy 12 resurfacing projects in Willmar area
Paving operations for two Willmar area projects on Highway 12 get underway Monday, Aug. 23. Preliminary work was completed in July when crews repaired catch basins along a portion of the project area. Asphalt resurfacing will take place at two locations:
- Hwy 12 from Sixth Street Southeast to 24th Street Southeast in Willmar
- Hwy 12 from Kandiyohi County Road 1 in Pennock to just east of Kandiyohi County Road 5 in Willmar
Crews will begin working along the east portion of the project; however, work will be ongoing at both locations throughout construction.
Flagging operations and a pilot car will direct traffic through each work zone and travelers are encouraged to allow extra time to get to their destination.
Project benefits include improved drainage and a smoother road surface. The combined cost is $1.3 million, and Central Specialties, Inc., is the contractor. Work at both locations is scheduled to be complete by mid-September.
Please note that project dates could change due to unforeseeable circumstances, and that all traffic impacts may not be known at this time.