Renville County West Schools COVID-19 Related Announcements
This morning Governor Walz issued an executive order concerning schools and COVID-19. This order directs schools to close their doors no later than Wednesday, March 18th through
Friday, March 27th. The order does allow school districts to make decisions for Monday and Tuesday based on their individual needs. In the next several days, Renville County West
intends to:
● We will be officially closing our doors on Tuesday, March 17th and will remain closed
through March 27th.
○ Any activities normally scheduled for after school, field trips, concerts, assemblies, etc., will be cancelled or postponed to a later date.
○ We will NOT be doing distance learning for the dates of March 17th through March 20th in order to allow teachers to develop a long term plan for their classes. We will begin online / e-Learning school starting Monday, March 23rd.
○ The schedule and expectations for e-Learning will be sent out later this week.
We will be communicating more information to you as we work through these directives and
possible changes in the near future.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through this challenging time.
Dr. Michelle Mortensen