Redwood/Renville recycling cart replacement dates changed
According to the Redwood/Renville Regional Solid Waste Authority (RRRSWA), everyone in those counties was set to get new recycling carts this month. However, while the switch-out is still set to happen, it’s been postponed a month. The new schedule calls for RRRSWA to deliver new recycling carts, and remove old ones, from all residents and businesses in Redwood and Rengville Counties beginning next Jan. 4.
Here’s how the process will go:
Phase I: RRRSWA Recycling Cart Delivery: You will receive a new cart between Jan. 4 and Feb. 2, 2024.
Phase II: West Central Sanitation Recycling Cart Removal: after you receive your new RRRSWA recycling cart, use your old West Central Sanitation recycling cart for your next regular collection date. That is the week your old cart will be removed. Keep the old recycling cart on the curb until it is picked up.
RRRSWA asks you contact them if you haven’t received a new recycling cart by Feb. 2, if you notice your neighbors have gotten a new recycling cart but you haven’t, or if you’re a snowbird headed out of town for several months.