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A Redwood Falls man, Sherman Dwayne Spradley, age 51, was sentenced in Redwood County court for not updating his required predatory offender registration.

According to court documents, on Sept. 9, 2022, several Redwood Falls police officers visited Spradley at an E. Bridge Street residence. Spradley allegedly acknowledged he had lost his job in June of 2022, but had not updated his predatory offender registration with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. The day after police officers visited him, he updated his employment information required by the BCA.

On Jan. 8, 2023, Spradley was sentenced for felony-level failing to update his registration to 19 months in the correctional facility in St. Cloud, stayed for three years, 30 days local confinement, three years supervised probation, and fines and fees of $335.