Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department changes some procedures due to COVID-19
Kandiyohi County Sheriff Eric Holien issued a statement on Monday about steps the department is making due to current COVID-19 concerns.
Some current changes include:
There will be no public fingerprinting until the COVID-19 threat has passed.
The Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Department currently allows public visitation video visitation. However, non- professional visits behind glass on weekends for DOC and ICE inmates are no longer allowed. Staff encourages friends and family members of inmates to use the remote video visitation option versus coming into our jail lobby. Any volunteers as part of our Jail programs were suspended until further notice.
When calling dispatch non-emergency number or 911 you may be asked additional questions about medical conditions relevant to COVID-19.
At the request of the Sheriff, all staff has been asked to do as much business with our clients remotely via phone vs. face to face visits.
If there are signs, symptoms, or doubts of the health of clients, staff may be asked to put masks on, deputies are encouraged to wear a mask when necessary, to sanitize work stations way more frequently, wash and/or use hand sanitizer regularly.
Most, if not all, county training is canceled, rescheduled, or on hold.
All non-county group meetings or tours using County buildings are canceled.