A gofundme page has been set up for one of the victims of the Sunday morning bonfire accident near Granite Falls. 18-year-old Brody Bloch of Wood Lake was one of 5 young men burned when someone put a flammable liquid on the fire.

According to his gofundme page, Brody was airlifted from the scene to the hospital. He has 2nd degree burns on his face and 3rd degree burns on the frontside of his body. He is currently at HCMC and is intubated, on a ventilator, and has a feeding tube.

Doctors and nurses are closely monitoring his blood pressure and oxygen levels around the clock. If you would like to help Bloch’s family with expenses, you can make a donation by going to gofundme.com and searching for “Brody’s Healing Fund.”

(JP Cola, KWLM)