The proposed new flag Minnesota flag design, image courtesy State of Minnesota

Senator Gary Dahms of Redwood Falls is one of many Republican lawmakers who hope to put Minnesota’s new state flag and seal designs to a public vote this fall.

Dahms said Wednesday, “Our state flag and seal have represented the people of Minnesota for generations, but in just one session, members of the majority party decided to get rid of our current state flag and seal. The new state flag and seal came about through a … State Emblems Redesign Commission. As a result, a group of thirteen unelected people were brought together to redesign our state emblems. Though I have heard from members of our community that they are unhappy with the final designs themselves, a main concern is how they felt cut out of the process.”

Dahms also pointed out the commission “…chose a seal that goes against a law that prohibits the use of symbols or styles representing only one community in the design. This is due to the decision to use the Dakota language, “Mni Sóta Makoce” in place of the state’s official motto, “L’etoile du Nord.”’

The vice chair of the State Emblems Redesign Commission, Sen. Anita Gaul (D) of Marshall, says she doesn’t understand why some people are angry about the new Minnesota flag and seal.  She says they received thousands of design submissions and tens of thousands of public comments “which the commission members looked at and used to guide our decisions.”