Carris Health – Redwood limiting visitors for coronavirus prevention
To protect patients, families and health care workers during the outbreak of COVID-19, temporary visitor restrictions are being implemented at Carris Health – Redwood, along with all Carris Health and CentraCare facilities.
Effective immediately, visitors are not allowed at Carris Health and CentraCare hospitals, long-term care facilities, senior housing and sites where individuals are housed in large numbers.
Visitors impacted by this policy include patient family and friends, students, volunteers and non-essential contracted vendors. Exceptions will be made for patient family members under special circumstances such as unstable/critically ill patients, parents of minors and end of life patients.
The visitation restrictions apply to all Carris Health and CentraCare locations.
This is a rapidly evolving situation and Carris Health and CentraCare will take additional steps to help control the spread of COVID-19, as necessary. Staff understand that interacting with friends and family can be helpful to the healing process, and strongly encourage patients to connect with family members through other forms of communication, such as phone calls and video chats on cell phones or other mobile devices.