Groundbreaking held Wednesday for upcoming Redwood Valley Elementary School in Redwood Falls
Technically, the ground was broken on Monday when the first earth movers began tearing up the grassy playground of Reede Gray Elementary School in Redwood Falls.
But the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Redwood Valley Elementary School was held in Redwood Falls on Wednesday, May 15.
Since the fall of 2020, district leaders along with community task force members have been studying and planning for long-term facilities needs at Reede Gray Elementary. In April 2023, district voters approved $46,630,000 for the construction and equipping of a new elementary school.
The ceremony began with Superintendent Becky Cselovszki making a few remarks thanking the school board and staff, and the community for the support given so far. Cselovszki stood in front of a sign with an architect’s drawing of what the school will look like, and she made a point of saying the sign itself is approximately where the main entrance of the school will be.
Afterward, with earth-moving equipment behind them, past and present school board members threw out the first ceremonial shovels of dirt.
The new school is set to open for students in August 2025.