The Redwood County Economic Development has been collecting information this past week as it comes out responding to the employee and employer resources available.

Economic Development Coordinator Briana Mumme stated, “I understand the volume of information and speed of which it is distributed places a strain on keeping current.  As a result, Redwood County has developed a resource guide to provide an outline of what is available.  It is anticipated there will continue to be updates and the links included should lead you to the most current information as they go directly to the agency responsible.  Please note this is not all resources out there, but a compilation of resources which have been shared with me.  If you are aware of resources which could be added, please send to me and I’ll update the link.

To view the information visit:

Redwood County offices will be closed to the public until further notice.  As a result, please contact Redwood County Economic Development via email.