The upcoming repairs to the Highway 19 bridge in Redwood Falls will require temporary detours, as shown in this map provided by MnDOT.

The City of Redwood Falls and MnDOT are hosting an open house about the upcoming repairs to the Highway 19 bridge starting  this spring. The open house is set for Thursday, April 21, from 4 – 5:30 p.m. at Redwood Falls City Hall, in downtown Redwood Falls.

MnDOT staff and the contractor will be on hand to answer your questions. There will not be a formal presentation, so you can stop by at your convenience.


  • Repair and resurface the bridge over the Redwood River, just west of US Hwy 71 in Redwood Falls.
  • Remove and replace deteriorated concrete deck and approach panels.
  • Repair or replace bridge railing.
  • Update pedestrian access to west side of bridge to meet ADA standards.

Traffic impacts

  • The majority of work will be done under traffic.
  • A detour of Hwy 19 will be required up to three times for about three days each time to complete concrete work.
  • One half of the bridge deck will be removed at a time, which allows the other half of the bridge to be used for traffic during much of construction. A signal light and/or flaggers will direct traffic across the bridge.