Iowa Leaders Seek Support for Turkey Producers
Iowa officials seek support for the state’s turkey producers.
Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, both Iowa Republicans, along with state leaders, made the request in a letter to the Department of Agriculture this week.
The leaders request USDA provide turkey producers support through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.
The letter says plant closures and reduced flocks remain a growing threat to turkey growers, and the food supply chain.
Independent turkey growers “stand to lose disproportionately compared to other corporate-owned growers.” according to the letter.
The officials say there are numerous cooperative and independent growers left out of the CFAP aid package.
In the letter, the officials ask that, “economists at USDA work to devise a methodology and formula that allows this niche sector of the nation’s poultry industry to have the same opportunities provided to others.”
The United States is the world’s largest turkey producer and largest exporter of turkey products.