Dry Conditions Persist in Latest Crop Report
Dry, humid, and hot conditions prevailed and provided farmers with 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending 25 July 2021, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Reports indicated that crop conditions remained unchanged or decreased. Field activities for the week included mowing ditches.
Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 37% very short, 44% short, 19% adequate and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 32% very short, 48% short, 20% adequate and 0% surplus.
Corn silking reached 90%, one day ahead of last year and 9 days ahead of the average. Corn in the dough stage or beyond was at 11%, two days behind last year but 3 days ahead of the average. Corn condition was at 38% good to excellent.
Soybeans blooming reached 92%, four days ahead of last year and over a week ahead of average. Soybean setting pods was 52%, five days ahead of the average. Soybean condition declined to 36% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 43%.
Spring wheat coloring reached 95%, over a week ahead of last year and the 5-year average. Spring wheat condition declined to 9% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 15%.
Oats were at 90% coloring and 25% harvested. Oat condition declined to 22% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 23%.
Barley was 90% coloring. Barley condition decreased to 15% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 20%.
Potatoes condition was 61% good to excellent.
Dry beans were 90% blooming and 63% setting pods. Dry bean condition declined to 26% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 30%.
Sunflower condition was rated 36% good to excellent, same as last week.
Sugarbeet condition was 71% good to excellent.
The second cutting of alfalfa hay was 80% complete. Pasture condition was 25% very poor, 41% poor, 25% fair, 7% good and 2% excellent.