Redwood County Court News for April 22 – 28, 2024
Steven Michael Anderson, Morgan: petty misdemeanor traffic regulation – seat belt required – driver and passengers must use, fees and fines $110.
Marcus Anthony Belka, Perham: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph where appropriate 65/55, fees and fines $125.
Kimberly Marie Cloud, Shakopee: misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, local confindment 90 days.
Donald Joseph Haas, Gibbon: misdemeanor motor vehicle registration – operate vehicle with expired registration, fees and fines $115.
Anthony Preston Leith, Crookston: misdemeanor traffuc regulation – driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle, local confinement 90 days, fees and fines $200.
Cesar Daniel Rodriguez, Willmar: 1) petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285 2) petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285 3) petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285.
Damian Weldon Weise, Franklin: 1) petty misdemeanor traffic regulation – unsafe tires – prohibitions, fees and fines $135. 2) petty misdemeanor motor vehicle registration – operate vehicle with expired registration, fees and fines $30.
Brandon Marvin Mogard, Redwood Falls: petty misdemeanor – ATV – operate unregistered vehicle, fees and fines $135.
Katie Sue Alers, Minneota: petty misdemeanor speed 55 zone 71/55, fees and fines $145.
Emily Fernanda Chalen Siguencia, Minneapolis: 1) petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 109/60, fees and fines $385. 2) petty misdemeanor careless driving – operate any vehicle carelessly on street or highway, fees and fines $100.
David Charles Cichon, Bowus: petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 64/60, fees and fines $125.
Peter Guillermo Corrales, Circle Pines: 1) misdemeanor driving after revocation, fees and fines $285. 2) misdemeanor no proof motor vehicle insurance, fees and fines $200.
Dee Ann Dubray, Rochester: petty misdemeanor owner allow illegal operation, fees and fines $185.
Alan Mathias Gottschalk, Blaine: petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 70/60, fees and fines $125.
Sanket Vinayak Hirve, Lake Preston, South Dakota: petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 71/60, fees and fines $135.
Odilon Vargas Huerta, Roscoe: petty misdemeanor no MN drivers license, fees and fines $185.
Tederian Charles Hughes, Fairmont: 1) petty misdemeanor speed 55 zone 70/55, fees and fines $145. 2) petty misdemeanor driving after revocation, fees and fines $200.
Jason Michael Johanneck, Redwood Falls: petty misdemeanor hands-free law – initiate / compose / send / retrieve / read electronic message, fees and fines $135.
Victor Ronald Klassen, New Ulm: petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 69/60, fees and fines $125.
Warren Lloyd LaCore, Rochester: 1) petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 75/60, fees and fines $145. 2) petty misdmemeanor driving after suspension, fees and fines $200.
Ronald Dean Paskewitz, Redwood Falls: petty misdemeanor speed 55 zone 66/55, fees and fines $135.
Thomas John Prax, Fairfax: 1) misdemeanor CMV – fail to maintain parts and accessories in safe and proper operating condition, fees and fines $235. 2) misdemeanor CMV – oil/gas leak, fees and fines $50.
Chad Russell Reeves, Lamberton: 1) petty misdemeanor speed 55 zone 69/55, fees and fines $135. 2) petty misdemeanor driving after revocation, fees and fines $200. 3) petty misdemeanor no proof MV insurance, fees and fines $200.
Kassie Jo Roehr, Britton, South Dakota: petty misdemeanor speed 60 zone 74/60, fees and fines $135.
Thomas Kent Ruppert, Gainesville, Florida: petty misdemeanor speed 55 zone 69/55, fees and fines $135.
Todd Perez Arredondo, St. Paul: petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after suspension, fees and fines $285.
Nathan Harold Jon Coners, Sleepy Eye: misdemeanor traffic – open bottle law, possession, fees and fines $185.
Kami Elizabeth Crowe, Morgan: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 70/60, fees and fines $125.
Daniel Cuellar Ruiz, St. James: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 where appropriate 70/55, fees and fines $145.
David Allen Dauer, Clements: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph where appropriate 64/55, fees and fines $125.
Yvette Theresa Day, Shakopee: petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285.
Tulio Alexander Garcia Lopez, Willmar: misdemeanor drivers license – driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type, fees and fines $185.
Robert Gilbert Garza, Owatonna: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 64/55, fees and fines $125.
Ian Thomas Green, Morgan: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph where appropriate 70/55, fees and fines $145.
Marti Jo Janoski, North Mankato: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph wheree appropriate 64/55, fees and fines $125.
Miranda Paige Lee, Walnut Grove: petty misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after suspension, fees and fines $285.
Anthony Preston Leith, Crookston: misdemeanor traffic regulation – driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle, local confinement 90 days, fees and fines $285.
Brady Joe Leopold, Redwood Falls: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 where appropriate 64/55, fees and fines $125.
Salomon Ramos morales, Worthington: misdemeanor drivers license – driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type, fees and fines $185.
Simir Rawal, Redwood Falls: petty misdemeanor wireless communications device – engage in celluoar phone or video call, fees and fines $135.
David Eugene Richardson Jr., Vesta: misdemeanor domestic abuse no contact order – violate no contact order, local confinement 90 days, fees and fines $385.
Xavier Isaac Rodriguez, Rush City: misdemeanor traffic regulation – driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle, local confinement 90 days.
Philip Dwight Shores, Mankato: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph where appropriate 64/55, fees and fines $125.
Jason Brandon Small, Westbrook: misdemeanor traffic – drivers licenses – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285.
Jose Cupertina Ventura Romero, Worthington: misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after revocation, fees and fines $285.
Mary Kathleen Welsh, Springfield: petty misdemeanor traffic – speeding – exceed limit 55 mph where appropriate 64/5, fees and fines $125.
Emily Brooke Halvorson, Redwood Falls: gross misdemeanor assault – 4th degree – peace officer – physically assaults, local confinement 364 days, stay 334 days for two years, supervised probation two years, fees and fines $235.
Nichole Marie Leavell, Willmar: gross misdemeanor driving after cancellation – inimical to public safety, local confinement 364 days, stay 361 days for one year, unsupervised probation on eyear, fees and fines $385.
Rolland Lewis Lyberger, Redwood Falls: 1) misdemeanor traffic – no MN drivers license, fees and fines $185. 2) misdemeanor traffic regulation – driver must carry proof of insurance when operating vehicle, fees and fines $200.
Tinoteo Morales Marroquin, Windom: misdemeanor traffic – drivers license – driving after suspension, fees and fines $285.
Tamara Louise Smith, Redwood Falls: felony drugs – fifth degree – possess, commit to correctional facility in Shakopee 13 months, stay for three years, local confinement 45 days, supervised probation three years, fees and fines $335.