Redwood County Court News August 12th-18th
Ahlers, Javon Mikal, Westbrook, Traffic Regulation – Unsafe Equipment – Unlawful to Drive Any Vehicle Which Is in Unsafe Cond (Misdemeanor) -Total Fines and Fees $125.00
Carpenter, Mercedes Leigh, Granite Falls, Traffic Regulation – Owner Who Is Not Driver Must Later Produce Proof of Insurance If Require (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00
De Los Santos Arevalo, Juan M, Redwood Falls, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate 72/55 (Petty Misdemeanor) $145.00
Easterday, Douglas Alan, St James, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Speed Limit Posted in Local Jurisdiction Speed Zones 50/40 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $125.00
Hubbard, Jason Allen, Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Petty Misdemeanor) -Total Fines and Fees $285.00
LUNDIN, BILL, Jr., Mankato, Traffic Regulation – Seat Belt Required – Driver and Passengers Must Use (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $110.00
Lundin, Melinda Lynn, Mankato, Traffic Regulation – Seat Belt Required – Driver and Passengers Must Use (Petty Misdemeanor) Total Fines Fees $110.00
Neis, William Elmer, Morton, Harassment; Violation of Restraining Order-Penalties (Misdemeanor), Local Confinement ( 90 Days, Stay 76 Days For 1 Yr Credit for time served: 14 Days ) Total Fines and Fees $485.00
Ness, Jessica Ann, Redwood Falls, (1) Assault – 4th Degree – Peace Officer – Throws/transfers bodily fluids or feces at or onto officer (Felony)-Dismissed (2) Disorderly Conduct – Offensive/Abusive/Boisterous/Noisy/Obscene (Misdemeanor)-Local Confinement ( 90 Days, Stay 87 Days For 1 Yr Credit for time served: 3 Days )-Total Fines and Fees $185.00 (3) Disorderly Conduct – Offensive/Abusive/Boisterous/Noisy/Obscene (Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $100.00
Netzke, Jared John, New Ulm, Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00
PEREZ, MIGUEL AC, Fairfax, Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00
TAYLOR, COLTON LEE, Redwood Falls,Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 56/40 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $145.00
Wenzel, Stephen George, Little Falls, Traffic – Careless Driving (Misdemeanor)-Continued-Fines and Fees $100.00
Berry, Heather Ashlee, Morton, (1) DRIVING AFTER REVOCATION (Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00 (2) NO PROOF MV INSURANCE (Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $200.00
Bowar, Stephanie Jean, Watertown, SPEED 60 ZONE 74/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $135.00
BROWER, KRISTIE LEE, Sanborn, SPEED 60 ZONE 92/60 (Petty Misdemeanor) Total Fines and Fees $385.00
CHEPKORIR, YVONNE, Mountain Lake, SPEED 60 ZONE 76/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $145.00
Desmith, Zachary Michael, Milroy, (1) SEAT BELT REQUIRED – DRIVER AND PASSENGERS MUST USE (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $110.00 (2) DISPLAY TABS OF ANOTHER VEHICLE (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $300.00
ERHARDT, ARIA MARIE-FRANCIS, Minneapolis, SPEED 60 ZONE 74/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $135.00
GREENSLADE, ERIC DONFERD, Lakeville, SPEED 60 ZONE 70/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $125.00
Hansen, Timothy Garth, Albert Lea, (1) DRIVING AFTER REVOCATION (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00 (2) SEAT BELT REQUIRED – DRIVER AND PASSENGERS MUST USE (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $25.00, (3) HANDS-FREE LAW-VIOLATE PARAGRAPH 2(A); SECOND OR SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $275.00
Hollnagel, Keith Alan, Le Sueur, UNSAFE PASSING ON RIGHT (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $135.00
KING, GENE PAUL 3RD, Omaha NE, SPEED 60 ZONE 74/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $135.00
PELTOLA, NASH JOHN LEE, Currie, SEAT BELT REQUIRED – DRIVER AND PASSENGERS MUST USE (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $110.00
RICE, SIDNEY AUTUMN, Sauk Rapids, SPEED 60 ZONE 77/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $145.00
GULLICKSON, ANDREW GORDON, Sacred Heart, (1) Neglect or Endangerment of a Child/Neglect (Felony)-Local Confinement ( 45 Days, Stay 0 Yr 0 Mo 0 Days )-Total Fines and Fees $335.00 (2) Neglect Child-Knowingly Permit Physical/Sex Abuse (Gross Misdemeanor)-Dismissed
Guzman Moreno, Oscar Josue, Montevideo, (1) Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00 (2) Drivers License – Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $100.00 (3) Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 78/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $60.00
Hackle, Charles Edward Joseph, Fairfax, Traffic Collision – Collision with Unattended Vehicle – Notify Victim or Police (Misdemeanor)Total Fines and Fees $2377.17
NELSEN, CHAD EDWARD, Morgan, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate 73/55 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $145.00
Olson, Kiana Marie, Owatonna, (1) Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00 (2) Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 59/55 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $40.00
PANKONIN, HUNTER WARREN, Lamberton, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate 70/55 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $145.00
Rattler, Charlie, III, Marshall, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate 64/55 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $125.00
Teubert, Desiree Ann, Sleepy Eye, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate 64/55 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $125.00
Trouth, Marilyn Rose, Plymouth, Traffic – Speeding – Exceed Limit 70/60 (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $125.00
BERRY, KIMBERLY SUE, Redwood Falls, Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $285.00
GARDNER, JAMES ALLAN, Redwood Falls, (1) Terroristic Threats (Not applicable – GOC) (Felony)-Local Confinement ( 20 Days Credit for time served: 3 Days ) Total Fines and Fees $250.00 (2) Domestic Assault (Not applicable – GOC) (Gross Misdemeanor)-Dismissed, (3) Domestic Assault (Not applicable – GOC)-Dismissed, Conditions Met or Expired (Misdemeanor)
Monsrud, Chad Adolph, Redwood Falls, Traffic Regulation – Seat Belt Required – Driver and Passengers Must Use (Petty Misdemeanor)-Total Fines and Fees $110.00
(Misdemeanor)-Local Confinement ( 90 Days, Stay 78 Days For 1 Yr Credit for time served: 12 Days )-Total Fines and Fees $385.00 (2) Disorderly Conduct – Offensive/Abusive/Boisterous/Noisy/Obscene (Misdemeanor)-Dismissed
Taylor, Travis Robert, Ada, OBSTRUCT LEGAL PROCESS-INTERFERE W/PEACE OFFICER (Misdemeanor)-Local Confinement ( 90 Days Credit for time served: 90 Days -Total Fines and Fees $85.00