WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute §412.221, subd. 2, the City of Redwood Falls (“City”) is authorized to sell certain real property located at 511 Dekalb Street in Redwood Falls, known as Garnette Gardens (“Subject Property”) for the benefit of its citizens. Pursuant to Section 12.05 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Redwood Falls, Minnesota, as amended December 5, 1978, no real property of the City shall be disposed of except by Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Subject Property consists of the following described real estate lying and being in the City of Redwood Falls, Redwood County, Minnesota, to wit:
Lot One (1), Block Two (2) of Redwood Valley Second Addition, of the City of Redwood Falls; and
WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, Vista Prairie at Garnette Gardens, LLC, (“Buyer”) submitted a purchase proposal for the Subject Property. Pursuant to the purchase proposal, on March 1, 2022, City Council agreed to exclusive negotiations with Buyer; and
WHEREAS, a Purchase Agreement between the City and Buyer was finalized on March 10, 2022; and
WHEREAS, under the Purchase Agreement, the total purchase price to be paid by Buyer for the Subject Property, shall be One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00); and
WHEREAS, the proposed disposal of the Subject Property has no relationship to the current comprehensive municipal plan; and
WHEREAS, City Staff believes it is in the City’s best interest to proceed with the sale of Subject Property.
SECTION 1. The City shall enter into and execute a purchase agreement for the sale of the Subject Property.
SECTION 2. The requirements of Minn. Stat. §462.356, subd. 2. are hereby dispensed with regarding the disposal of the Subject Property.
SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance becomes effective from and after its passage.
Posted at City Hall – June 10, 2022