1. Call to Order  

Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


  1. Roll Call  
  2. Pledge of Allegiance 
  3. Employee Service Awards 
  4. Introduction of New Employees 
  5. Agenda Additions and/or corrections  
  6. Minutes Approval  
  7. Board of Commissioners – Regular Meeting – Aug 24, 2021 8:30 AM 4. Human Services  
  8. Adult Client Training Services Contract 
  9. Prairie Community Services Contract 
  10. REM South Central Services, Inc. Contract 
  11. Renville County Community Residences Contract 
  12. Chore Provider Bids Approval 
  13. United Community Action MOU 
  14. Case Activity Report – Income Maintenance Unit 
  15. Information Items 
  16. Public Health 

Agenda Board of Commissioners September 14, 2021  

  1. Approve Contract for Health Consultation Services to Learning Funhouse 
  2. Purchase Order 7028 – Champ Software Invoice 
  3. IT  
  4. New Copier – Attorney’s Office Purchase Order 7033 
  5. Sheriff  
  6. Pact For Families Collaborative Contract – Jail 
  7. Purchase Order 7034 – Baycom – Squad car camera system 
  8. Public Works  
  9. Purchase Order 7040 (True North Steel) 
  10. Resolution 18-21 to approve Right of Way Plat 65-602-020 on CSAH 2 from  CSAH 16 – MnDOT TH 4 
  11. Approve Right of Way Costs for SAP 065-602-021 on CSAH 2 from US 71 – CSAH 5 
  12. Parks  
  13. Mack Lake Cabin Sale Recommendation 
  14. Human Resources  
  15. Human Resource Actions 
  16. Human Resource Action – Insurance Contributions 
  17. Special Drainage Meeting at 10:00 am.  
  18. Administration  
  19. Consider Appointment of Special Prosecutor 
  20. Employee Service Awards 
  21. Approval of Claims 
  22. Approve Revised JPA with Rural Minnesota Energy Board (RMEB) E. Consider Volunteer Service Program Benefit 
  23. Approve Contracts for ARPA Funded Mental Health Supports in Public Schools G. Appointment to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals 
  24. Approve Education Agreement with Sara Benson 
  25. Reports 

Agenda Board of Commissioners September 14, 2021  

  1. Adjournment