1. Call to Order 

Roll Call 2. Public Works (Jeff Marlowe) 

  1. Update: Road & Bridge 
  2. Agreement with Camp & Cairo Township to Replace Bridge 92385 
  3. SAP 065-598-019 Final Acceptance 
  4. Cost Share Archaeological Survey for Bridge 2110 on CSAH 3 over the MN 


9:30 AM 3. Human Resources (Lisa Neutgens) 

  1. Approve Updated Safety Policy 
  2. Human Resource Actions 

10:00 AM 4. SWCD (Holly Hatlewick) 

  1. BWSR Match Discussion 10:00 AM 

10:30 AM 5. Drainage Authority Meeting 

10:45 AM 6. Sheriff’s Office (Scott Hable) 

  1. 2020-2021 DNR Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant 
  2. Joint Powers Agreement with MN DPS (BCA) for NIBRS transition 
  3. Out of State Training/Travel Approval 

11:00 AM 7. Hospital USDA Loan Redetermination (Nathan B.) 

  1. Hospital USDA Loan Redetermination 

Agenda Board of Commissioners January 7, 2020 

  1. Administration 
  2. Approve Education Agreement with Kaitlyn Fredrickson 
  3. Employee Reimbursements 

11:30 AM 9. Attorney (David Torgelson) 

  1. County Attorney’s Office Update and Staffing Request 
  2. Reports