Agenda for the Jan. 7 Renville County Board meeting
- Call to Order
Roll Call 2. Public Works (Jeff Marlowe)
- Update: Road & Bridge
- Agreement with Camp & Cairo Township to Replace Bridge 92385
- SAP 065-598-019 Final Acceptance
- Cost Share Archaeological Survey for Bridge 2110 on CSAH 3 over the MN
9:30 AM 3. Human Resources (Lisa Neutgens)
- Approve Updated Safety Policy
- Human Resource Actions
10:00 AM 4. SWCD (Holly Hatlewick)
- BWSR Match Discussion 10:00 AM
10:30 AM 5. Drainage Authority Meeting
10:45 AM 6. Sheriff’s Office (Scott Hable)
- 2020-2021 DNR Snowmobile Safety Enforcement Grant
- Joint Powers Agreement with MN DPS (BCA) for NIBRS transition
- Out of State Training/Travel Approval
11:00 AM 7. Hospital USDA Loan Redetermination (Nathan B.)
- Hospital USDA Loan Redetermination
Agenda Board of Commissioners January 7, 2020
- Administration
- Approve Education Agreement with Kaitlyn Fredrickson
- Employee Reimbursements
11:30 AM 9. Attorney (David Torgelson)
- County Attorney’s Office Update and Staffing Request
- Reports