Agenda for the Jan. 7 Redwood Falls City Council meeting
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Call to Order
– Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
- Approval of Agenda
– Council Changes – Staff Changes
- Approval of Minutes
- December 17, 2019
- Audience Participation (10 minute time limit for items not on the agenda)
- Organizational Business
- Elect Council President (verbal) B. Appointments to Commissions C. Appointments to Council Committees (verbal) D. Appointments to Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees E. Procedural Items
- Designate Meeting Day and Time (1st and 3rd Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) 2. Designate Redwood Gazette as Official Newspaper (verbal) 3. Designate Official Depositories 4. Designate Electronic Funds Transfers 5. Designate Bolton & Menk as Consulting City Engineer (verbal)
- Consent Agenda (items approved with one motion)
A Approve Pay Equity Compliance Report B. Approve Fire Department Appointment C. Declare Library Microfilm Reader as Surplus Property
- Scheduled Public Hearings
A Delinquent Accounts and Maintenance Charges – Resolutions #1/2
- Old Business
- Regular Agenda
- Police Officer Position – Authorization to Hire B. Airport Seal Coat Project – Final Pay Estimate C. City Code of Ordinances Update – Ordinance No. 67 D. State of MN Workforce Housing Development Program Grant Application – Resolution #3 E. Authorization to Solicit Quotes for Sanitary Sewer Service Line Televising F. DeKalb Street Cooperative Agreement with Redwood County
- Other Items and Communications
- Council Items B. Staff Items C. Meetings of Interest
- Paid Bills and Claims – For Informational Purposes
- City of Redwood Falls Accounts Payable Summary
- Adjournment