1. Call to Order

Under Minnesota Statute 13D.021 the County Board has made a
determination that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because
of a health pandemic, and an emergency has been declared under chapter
12. The physical meeting location (Board Room) is closed because it is not
feasible to be open due to the health pandemic. This meeting will be
conducted via video teleconference due to COVID-19 concerns.
Virtual Meeting Instructions:
Roll Call
9:00 AM 2. COVID-19 Update
A. COVID-19 Update
9:10 AM 3. EDA (Jordan Zeller)

A. Adopt Resolution 01-21 Distributing State Funds to HRA/EDA
B. EDA Year-End Report and CARES Grant Report

9:30 AM 4. Recess for Drainage Authority Meeting
9:45 AM 5. Sheriff (Scott Hable)

A. Purchase Order 6940 – Ranger Chevrolet
B. Purchase Order 6941 – Weelborg Ford
C. Purchase Order 6944- Brown-Lyon-Redwood-Renville Drug Task Force
D. Purchase Order 6945- CentralSquare Technologies
E. Purchase Order 6946- West Central Communications

10:15 AM 6. Public Works (Jeff Marlowe)

A. Update: Road & Bridge
B. Resolution 2-21: Sponsor LRIP Project for the City of Franklin
C. Discuss Right of Way for SAP 065-602-020 on CSAH 2 from CSAH 16 to TH 4
D. Engineering Agreement with Bolton & Menk for Hydraulic Analysis for pipe
crossings on CSAH 2 & 3
11:00 AM 7. Attorney (David Torgelson)

A. County Attorney’s Office Monthly Update

11:10 AM 8. Human Resources (Lisa Neutgens)
A. Human Resource Actions
9. Administration
A. Employee Reimbursements
B. Review Commissioner Claims
C. Approve Education Agreement with Sara Benson
10. Reports