1. Call to Order  

Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


  1. Roll Call  
  2. Pledge of Allegiance 
  3. Comments Concerning Damage to County Roads 
  4. Recess for Drainage Authority Meeting at 8:30 AM  
  5. Agenda Additions and/or corrections  
  6. Minutes Approval  
  7. Board of Commissioners – Regular Meeting – Feb 13, 2024 8:30 AM 5. Emergency Management  
  8. Atchison Consulting contract 
  9. Sheriff  
  10. Adopt Resolution 07-24 Approving JPA – MN BCA – Internet Crimes Against  Children Task Force 
  11. MN Dept of Health Grant – Jail CRS-Children of Incarcerated Parents 
  12. Out of State Training – Sheriff’s Office 
  13. Environmental Services  
  14. Schwartz Family, LLC (Randal N. Freiborg Trust) – Conditional Use Permit  (Feedlot) 
  15. SMBSC (Broderius) – Conditional Use Permit (Expansion of Agricultural  Commodity Storage Facility)
  16. Public Works  
  17. Final Acceptance SAP 065-599-089 John Riley Construction, Inc. 
  18. Final Acceptance SAP 065-606-016 John Riley Construction, Inc. 9. Human Resources  
  19. Education Reimbursement Agreement – Avi S. 
  20. Human Resource Actions 
  21. Administration  
  22. County Board of Canvass 
  23. Approve Resignation of Planning Commission Member 
  24. Letter of Support re: Transfer of Upper Sioux Agency State Park Land D. Approve Temporary Comp Time Waiver 
  25. Approval of Claims 
  26. Reports  
  27. Adjournment