1. Call to Order  

Virtual Board Meeting Instructions for those attending remotely:  


 Roll Call  

8:30 AM 2. Recess for Drainage Authority Meeting at 8:30 AM  

8:45 AM 3. HRA/EDA (Jordan Zeller)  

  1. Approve Out-of-State Travel Request for Jordan Zeller 

8:55 AM 4. Sheriff (Scott Hable)  

  1. Adopt Resolution 36-23 Donation Acceptance – Sheriff’s Office 

9:00 AM 5. Summit Carbon Solutions Presentation  

  1. Summit Carbon Solutions Update 

9:20 AM 6. Auditor-Treasurer (Lisa Meints)  

  1. Truth-in-Taxation Notice Changes for Taxes Payable 2024 
  2. Resolution 38-23 Establishing Minimum Sale Price of Tax-Forfeiture  

Properties to Municipalities 

9:45 AM 7. Environmental Services (Scott Refsland)  

  1. MMDC Contract for Professional Services to Update Comprehensive Plan 9:55 AM 8. Public Works (Jeff Marlowe)  
  2. Update: Road & Bridge 
  3. Purchase Order 7349 (Nelson International) 
  4. Engineering Agreement with SEH Inc. for 5th Street & Parking Lot Upgrades
  5. CSAH Intersection Safety Improvements 
  6. MnDOT Agreement 1053783 to Update County Road Safety Plan 
  7. Resolution 37-23: Federal Aid Participation–MnDOT Agreement 1053783 for  County Road Safety Plan 

10:30 AM 9. Human Resources (Lisa Neutgens)  

  1. Human Resource Actions 

10:35 AM 10. Finance (Landon Padrnos)  

  1. Ratify Amended PO 7342 to Schwieters Chevrolet of Willmar 
  2. Jan-Sept 2023 Revenue-Expenditure Budget Report 
  3. Review of Cash Balances 
  4. Administration  
  5. Approve MOA with LELS – Dispatch/Jail Concerning Vacation Maximums B. Approve MOU Regarding General Investigator Assignment 
  6. JPA with DOC for Probation Administrative Services 
  7. Consider 2024 Per Diems and Compensation for Commissioners and  Appointees 
  8. Employee Reimbursements 
  9. Review Commissioner Claims 
  10. Reports